"Shelterheart" Cassette by Shelterheart


Perpetual Doom is proud to present the first full-length album from Shelterheart. The self-titled release Shelterheart is a labor of love from two longtime friends, Wren and Luke, who have been collaborating on opposite sides of the country for over a decade. Wren writes the songs for the group, as he records the acoustic guitars and vocals, while Luke orchestrates and produces all of the backing tracks, transforming them from their acoustic beginnings.

More about Shelterheart: Click Here.

1. In Photographs 

2. Dying Days

3. Lost and Broke 

4. Empty Pockets 

5. Winds of Clarity 

6. Spent Lessons 

7. Time Traveler

8. Yield to Flame 

9. Amelia Bean 

10. Ocotillo Mine

Release Date: April 8, 2022

released by:
Perpetual Doom
release/catalogue number: